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Repetier-Firmware - G-Codes - Motion


G0/G1 Linear Motion

Parameter Function
X, Y, Z, E, A, B, C Target position
S 1 = disable target position check, 0 = enable.

Moves the tool to the given position. Not given coordinates will stay the same. Position check flag is permanent until it gets unset.

G2/G3 Arc Motion

Parameter Function
X, Y, Z, E, A, B, C Target position
R Circle radius.
I X position of circle center.
J Y position of circle center.

Moves the tool in a clockwise (G2) or counter clockwise (G3) motion to the destination position. To define the arc you either give a radius (R) or the center of the circle (I, J).

Motor Configuration

Some drivers allow configuration of the settings at runtime. For these drivers the following commands can be used to define these parameter. Depending on the configuration these might be stored in EEPROM storage, so changing them will make changes permanent as soon as a command triggers storage to eeprom!

Many commands take a motor id P to tell exactly which motor is meant. If you do not know the id send M122 and see which motor has which id in output.

M122 Write debug informations

Parameter Function
D Detail level. 0 = minimal (default), 1 = extended.
P Motor id, omit to show all motors.
S Autoupdate 1 = on, 0 = off.

The M122 command shows settings for stepper driver and other information, depend on the driver. With autoupdate the informations get updated every 500 milliseconds.

M350 Set Microstepping

Parameter Function
P Motor id.
S Microsteps. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256. Not all drivers support all values!

Changes the microsteps for the given stepper if supported.

M569 Activate StealthChop

Parameter Function
P Motor id, omit to show all motors.
S 1 = on, 0 = off

Activate the silent stealthChop mode for Trinamic drivers. Required also for hybrid mode, otherwise the will operate in spreadCycle mode.

M908 Set Current

Parameter Function
P Motor id, omit to show all motors.
S Current in milli ampere.

Set rms current for motor. Be careful to not overpower them.

M911 Report Over Temperature Prewarn

Parameter Function
P Motor id, omit to show all motors.

Reports for selected motors if the prewarn temperaure was exceeded since last clear.

M912 Clear Over Temperature Prewarn

Parameter Function
P Motor id, omit to show all motors.

Clear the prewarn flag for selected motors.

M913 Set Hybrid Teshold

Parameter Function
P Motor id, omit to show all motors.
X Switching speed in mm/s, 0 = off.

Trinamic drivers can switch between silent mode and spreadCycle at a given speed. This is done to prevent loosing steps due to higher speeds with reduced torque. The switch should be done at a moderate speed or there might be a detectable shift when switching between the modes.

M914 Set Sensorless Homing Sensitivity

Parameter Function
P Motor id, omit to show all motors.
S Sensitivite in range -64..63.

If the driver is configured for sensorless homing, you can define the sensitivity with this command.