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Repetier-Firmware - Configuration - Pins


Many function need digital inputs or outputs or analog inputs. Therefore we have have 3 pin module types:

  • Digital outputs: All modules of this type start with IO_OUTPUT.
  • Digital inputs: All modules of this type start with IO_INPUT.
  • Analog inputs: All modules of this start with IO_ANALOG_INPUT.
  • SPI connection: All modules of this type start with IO_SPI.

Normally all pins can be used as digital input or output. But make sure to define them correctly. Definig a pin as output which gets an input might be a bad idea. Also assign each pin only one function.

Analog inputs are limited and only available on some of the pins. Moreover also watch out with the numbering scheme. If you use a pin as analog input it has a different pin number then the same as digital pin! So digital pin 63 might be analog pin 2.

Digital Outputs

All consumers of the outputs assume sending low to disable and high to enable. Some hardwares require the inverted signal. For example if direction of a motor is wrong, you can invert the direction by inverting the signal to direction pin. In such a case use then the inverted variant of an output.

On board digital output

Sets output state of one pin of the processor.

IO_OUTPUT(name, pinNumber)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this pin later.
pinNumber Arduino pin number on the board. For many boards you can get the pinout of all pins. We also provide lots of symbolic names for known boards and pins.

Use the pin in higher leveled modules like stepper drivers.

Inverted on board digital output

Sets output state of one pin of the processor to the opposite signal given.

IO_OUTPUT_INVERTED(name, pinNumber)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this pin later.
pinNumber Arduino pin number on the board. For many boards you can get the pinout of all pins. We also provide lots of symbolic names for known boards and pins.

Use the pin in higher leveled modules like stepper drivers.

Faked digital output

Dummy output just to get module compile. Normally used during development or if the output is optional and you do not want to waste a pin for a function you do not need.

Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this pin later.

Use the pin in higher leveled modules like stepper drivers.

Logging digital output

If you are debugging a problem it might be useful to see in hosts console log if a output should be on or off. This output sends all signals through to a real output but logs every call (changesOnly false) or any change in state (changesOnly true). Be careful if you change outputs in an interrupt. This can block and crash firmware if output buffer gets full due to heavy output load.

IO_OUTPUT_LOG(name, output, changesOnly)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this pin later.
output Name of the output to forward signals to.
changesOnly True if you only are interested in changes.

Use the pin in higher leveled modules like stepper drivers.

Digital Inputs

Most sensors work on a digital basis. Typical usages are keys, end stops, filament sensors, ...

Digital input

Input pin of the processor. Disables pullup resistor and returns the original signal.

IO_INPUT(name, pinNumber)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this pin later.
pinNumber Arduino pin number on the board. For many boards you can get the pinout of all pins. We also provide lots of symbolic names for known boards and pins.

Use the pin in higher leveled modules like end stops, filament sensors and more.

Digital input inverted

Input pin of the processor. Disables pullup resistor and returns the inverted signal.

IO_INPUT_INVERTED(name, pinNumber)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this pin later.
pinNumber Arduino pin number on the board. For many boards you can get the pinout of all pins. We also provide lots of symbolic names for known boards and pins.

Use the pin in higher leveled modules like end stops, filament sensors and more.

Digital input with pullup resistor

Input pin of the processor. Enables pullup resistor and returns the original signal.

IO_INPUT_PULLUP(name, pinNumber)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this pin later.
pinNumber Arduino pin number on the board. For many boards you can get the pinout of all pins. We also provide lots of symbolic names for known boards and pins.

Use the pin in higher leveled modules like end stops, filament sensors and more.

Digital input inverted with pullup resistor

Input pin of the processor. Enables pullup resistor and returns the inverted signal.

Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this pin later.
pinNumber Arduino pin number on the board. For many boards you can get the pinout of all pins. We also provide lots of symbolic names for known boards and pins.

Use the pin in higher leveled modules like end stops, filament sensors and more.

Logging input

Writes input changes or all read inputs to serial connection. Should only be used for debugging input states. Can crash firmware if used for inputs checked in interrupts!

IO_INPUT_LOG(name, input, changeOnly)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this input later.
input Name of the real input handler.
changeOnly If true only report sif the value changes. Should be true to reduce messages.

Use the pin in higher leveled modules like end stops, filament sensors and more.

Or Input

Combines 2 input signals into one. Combination is a logical or, so if any of the 2 inputs is high the output will be high as well.

IO_INPUT_OR(name, input1, input2)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this input later.
input1 Name of first input to combine.
input2 Name of second input to combine.

Use the pin in higher leveled modules like end stops, filament sensors and more.

Or Input

Combines 2 input signals into one. Combination is a logical and, so only if both of the 2 inputs are high the output will be high as well.

IO_INPUT_AND(name, input1, input2)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this input later.
input1 Name of first input to combine.
input2 Name of second input to combine.

Use the pin in higher leveled modules like end stops, filament sensors and more.

Analog inputs

Direct Analog input value

Measures n times the analog value, removes the highest and lowest value and the builds the average. Equation for n is: n = 2 + 2^oversample

Higher values on oversample mean less and even delayed results but also give a more stable value. Normally analog values are only used for temperatures. So it is easy to see if temperature jitters too much. In that case increase oversample. Normally a value of 5 is good compromise. This requires 34 measurements, so lag is neglectible while you get already some smoothing.

IO_ANALOG_INPUT(name, channel, oversample)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference this pin later.
channel Analog channel of the processor to be used. This is different to pin numbers! Range is 0-15.
oversample Oversample quality (0-7).

Use as input for temperature measurements.

SPI Communication

Hardware SPI

Implements a hardware SPI driver bound to a defined chip select pin.

IO_SPI_HW(name, frequency, mode, msbfirst, csPin)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference the spi connection.
frequency SPI transfer speed.
mode SPI mode (0-3).
msbmode True to transfer in msb first mode, false for lsb mode.
csPin Chip select pin.

Use as input for devices requiring SPI input.

Software SPI

Implements a software SPI driver bound to a defined chip select pin. On a Due board a delay of 0 results in nearly 4MHz frequency with a delay of 125ns.

IO_SPI_SW(name, delayus, mode, msbfirst, csPin, clkPin, misoPin, mosiPin)
Parameter Function
name The variable name used to reference the spi connection.
frequency SPI transfer speed.
mode SPI mode (0-3).
msbmode True to transfer in msb first mode, false for lsb mode.
csPin Chip select pin.
clkPin Clock signal pin.
misoPin Input pin connected to DO pin. -1 if not connected.
mosiPin Output pin connected with DI pin. -1 if not connected.

Use as input for devices requiring SPI input.